Mission & Vision
HSB links the best of timeless training in leadership and influence alongside a cutting-edge, future-focused curriculum. Our students receive tailored leadership coaching and mentorship from those who have excelled in their fields while simultaneously acquiring a powerful toolkit of skills in demand by employers. This includes deep training by world-beating professionals in areas such as strategic foresight, AI, data analytics and entrepreneurship/ intrapreneurship that help organisations thrive today and reinvent themselves for the world of tomorrow.
To become India’s leading technology- and future-focused borderless business school, offering a launchpad to a boundless global career and adventure of a lifetime.
HSB Mission
A global academic and business community,
Imagining and creating a better tomorrow,
In India, for the world.
Mission & Vision
Dr. Pramath Raj Sinha
on HSB’s future-focused curriculum
Member, HSB Governing Council; Founding Dean, ISB Hyderabad; Founder & Trustee, Ashoka University